Tour de Belleville History

The Tour de Belleville was started in 2006 as a project to purchase the Belleville Police Department a portable speed monitor. The event was held the second Friday in July, and it was evident the Tour de Belleville nighttime bicycle ride was just the event the area wanted. Participation doubled the following year and the amount of funds raised tripled!

The originator of the Tour de Belleville, Alderman, Mr. Phil Elmore chaired the committee for the first three years at which time he handed the event entirely over to the Belleville Parks & Recreation Department whom he had partnered with from the inception. The route will start and finish at a Belleville staple, Eckert’s Family Orchards utilizing the St. Clair County Transit District trails as well as select Belleville roadways.

There have been on average 1300 bicyclists who enjoy this event each year. The event has raised over $260,000.00 in profits which have been put back in the community for safety and trail improvements.

The Tour de Belleville will forever be committed to raising funds for safety/maintenance equipment and providing a quality recreational opportunity for individuals and families in our community.

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